Sponsorship Opportunities
Awareness & Advocacy: The Next Frontier
TO YOUR HEALTH WITH DR. G ™ is a weekly, 55-minute internet radio program designed to:
•Provide programming on health and wellness trends in a relatable way
•Promote health awareness by leveraging traditional medical and allied health professional networks
•Improve health literacy
•Empower listeners with information they can use to improve their overall health status
Awareness & Advocacy: The Time Is Now
•Limited forums to address health-related needs, challenges, and inequities facing at-risk populations.
•Long-standing personal commitment to service and social responsibility.
•Internet radio is an effective medium to reach a targeted audience while leveraging my community networks and professional relationships.
•Intellectual Radio has identified a gap its in health and wellness programming.
There are Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum sponsorship levels available. For more information, please fill out the contact card below or send an email to info@drmarkgomez.com.